I found a great idea on The Snail’s Tail. She really does a good job of explaining it on her site, but I’ll try to do it here too. The idea is to practice the consonants, blends, digraphs and common word families. I have to admit I was a tad intimidated to walk into Lowe’s and grab a whole pile of paint chips, but the lady was talking to me the whole time and didn’t seem to mind. (Note: I did try Home Depot first, but didn’t like their paint chips, they were mostly 1 color on a card and didn’t have the ones with the hole cut out. Though later, I decided the hole was too small and used a 1 1/4″ hole punch to make it bigger.) Here is the list of the phonograms she used. The Phonogram Page is a great site that lets your child hear the phonograms correctly. All About Spelling has a list of Phonograms and how to teach them.
Shopping List:
- 13 long cards (6 colors to a card) or 26 short cards (3 colors to a card) for consonants, blends, and diagraphs
- 34 cards that have the hole cut out…12 if there are 3 colors on a card.
Here is a sample of the families, blends and digraphs (you can click on the images to see them larger):

Since I had cards left over, I decided to make a “Shades of Color” game with them for my preschooler. You can download my color grid here, and I used a 1 1/4″ square punch to punch the colors out.

These word families go on the cards with the square cut out on them:
- ag
- ab
- ail
- ain
- ack
- ake
- am
- an
- ank
- ap
- all
- at
- ay
- eed
- ell
- est
- ew
- ick
- ight
- ill
- ine
- ing
- ink
- ip
- ob
- og
- ore
- ot
- out
- ow
- uck
- um
- unk
- y
The following consonants, blends, and diagraphs are all written on the long paint chips.
- b
- c
- d
- f
- g
- h
- j
- k
- l
- m
- n
- p
- q
- r
- s
- t
- v
- w
- x
- y
- z
- bl
- cl
- fl
- gl
- pl
- sl
- br
- cr
- dr
- fr
- gr
- pr
- tr
- sc
- sk
- sp
- st
- sm
- sn
- sw
- spl
- spr
- str
- squ
- ch
- wh
- th
- sh
- ph
- thr
- shr
How many words can you make? (there are over 500+ words in this set)
- ab cab, lab, blab, crab, flab, grab, scab, slab, stab
- ack back, pack, quack, rack, black, crack, shack, snack, stack, track
- ag bag, rag, tag, brag, flag
- ail fail, mail, jail, nail, pail, rail, sail, tail, snail, trail
- ain main, pain, rain, brain, chain, drain, grain, plain, Spain, sprain, stain, train
- ake bake, cake, fake, lake, make, quake, rake, take, wake, brake, flake, shake, snake
- am ham, Sam, clam, slam, swam
- an can, fan, man, pan, ran, tan, van, bran, plan, than
- ank bank, sank, yank, blank, crank, drank, thank
- ap cap, lap, map, nap, rap, tap, clap, flap, scrap, slap, snap, strap, trap, wrap
- at bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, rat, sat, brat, chat, flat, spat, that
- ay day, may, pay, say, clay, play, pray, spray, stay, tray
- eed feed, need, seed, weed, bleed, freed, greed, speed
- ell bell, fell, sell, tell, well, yell, shell, smell, spell, swell
- est best, guest, nest, pest, rest, test, vest, west, chest, crest
- ew dew, few, knew, new, blew, chew
- ick kick, lick, pick, quick, sick, brick, chick, click, stick, thick, trick
- ight knight, light, might, night, right, sight, tight, bright, flight, fright, slight
- ill fill, hill, pill, will, chill, drill, grill, skill, spill, thrill
- in bin, fin, pin, sin, win, chin, grin, shin, skin, spin, thin, twin
- ine fine, line, mine, nine, pine, vine, wine, shine, spine, whine
- ing king, ring, sing, wing, bring, cling, spring, sting, string, swing, thing
- ink link, pink, sink, wink, blink, drink, shrink, stink, think
- ip dip, hip, lip, rip, sip, tip, chip, clip, drip, flip, grip, ship, skip, strip, trip, whip
- ob knob, mob, rob, blob, slob, snob
- ock knock, lock, dock, rock, sock, block, clock, frock, shock, stock
- op cop, hop, mop, pop, top, chop, crop, drop, flop, plop, shop, stop
- ore bore, more, sore, tore, wore, chore, score, shore, snore, store
- ot got, dot, hot, knot, lot, not, plot, shot, spot
- out grout, scout, shout, spout, sprout
- ow cow, how, now, brow, chow, plow
- uck buck, duck, luck, cluck, stuck, truck
- um gum, hum, drum, plum, slum
- unk junk, chunk, drunk, shrunk, stunk, trunk
- y by, my, cry, dry, fly, fry, shy, sky, spy, try, why
(Blends, digraphs, word families taken from The Snails Trail and word list taken from Literacy Connections)
- Another variation of this came from Sippy Cup Central. She calls it Word Sliders and it’s another great way to practice reading!
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