Saturday, March 29, 2014

Owl Eyes - ABC TV Science

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An owl's eyes account for up to five percent of their body weight. Having large eyes enables an owl to see in low light conditions, but they've also given rise to the owl's incredible talent for rubber necking.

Owl's eyes can weigh up to five per cent of their bodyweight. That's like us having eyes as big as baseballs. Like us, owls have binocular vision so they can see in three dimensions, which is perfect for watching movies. Their necks have twice as many vertebrae as ours, so they can turn their heads two-hundred-and-seventy degrees, providing three-hundred-and-sixty degree vision.

They have three eyelids, one for blinking, one for sleeping, and a diagonal one that cleans like a windscreen wiper. Owls have extra-large corneas and pupils, and heaps of rod cells, giving them exceptional night vision. But they have fewer cone cells, so they see very little colour.

Owls can't roll their tubular eyes like we roll our spherical ones, which is why they never look exasperated. Their huge eyes give owls a look of wisdom. Ironic really, considering a group of owls is called a 'parliament'

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