Creative and Cool Bookmarks.
Collection of ‘Creative and Cool Bookmarks’ from all over the world.
Pointing Finger: "It's just like a highlighter, whether the book is written from left to right or top to bottom, as long as you "point" the finger symbol where you finish, next time you want to read, you can find where you read to right away. It easily solves the weakness of regular bookmarks not being able to accurately point out which line was read to."
Green Leafs Bookmark: Brought to you by Yuruliku, it brings greenery to your bookshelf.
Cook Bookmark: This clever bookmark is sure to provide quick access to your favorite recipes while keeping cookbook pages clean.
Mark-My-Time Digital Bookmark: These are designed to monitor the reading time of your kids and keep track as to how long they have been studying.
Cool Bookmark:
Save Bookmark: Creative paper bookmark with a Save icon on it; creation of graphic designer Igor Rogix Udushlivy, this bookmark was part of his iconote concept.
Liquid Bookmark: Each of these bookmarks is hand-made by the designer, which makes each design completely unique.
DIY Bookmarks: Learn how to make your own bookmark - details.

Bookmark II: A clever idea, with a simple rubber band with an indicator that wraps around a book and show the last line you were reading.
Booklight Bookmark: This handy device functions as a bookmark and also a portable reading light.
Beaded Wire Bookmark: Make your own beaded wire bookmark - details.
Favbook Bookmark: "The lens is made from high quality durable plastic, frame of silver."
MARK Bookmark: Creative concept bookmark by designer Avnish using FOLED technology. At night it lights up and covers the area you're reading.
Abracadabra Puffy Bookmark: "The Abracadabra contains an air-filled chamber, half of which is flattened by the weight of a book. Squeezing the exposed side inflates the concealed side lift the page just enough for your finger to slip in."
Hands Bookmark: "It appears to look like people that have been stuck between your pages."
Feather Bookmark: This one is designed to be used as a USB drive and a bookmark; comes with 2GB of storage.

Pointing Finger: "It's just like a highlighter, whether the book is written from left to right or top to bottom, as long as you "point" the finger symbol where you finish, next time you want to read, you can find where you read to right away. It easily solves the weakness of regular bookmarks not being able to accurately point out which line was read to."

Beautiful and Innovative Bookmarks.
These beautiful bookmarks and innovative bookmark designs are sure to add some spice to your reading.
Night Light Bookmark: This lamp designed for night reading shuts off automatically when covered with a book while at the same time it works as a very intuitive bookmark.
Cute and Clever Magnetic Bookmarks: These cute magnetic origami bookmarks bend backwards to hold your page for you.
Skyline Bookmark: Metal skyline bookmark designed by I Kwong.
Terminix Magazine Bookmark: This clever bookmark comes from the magazine advertisement of 'Terminix'.
Lili Lite: It's a night lamp, bookshelf and bookmark in one; to turn off the light, you'll have to put an open book on the shelf and the light will turn off for you. And when the book is picked up again, the light automatically turns on.
Note Bookmarks: Bookmarks in the shape of petals from a flower by Hana Fusen.
P-Hook Bookmarks: These clever hooks are good as bookmarks and it makes easier for you to pull out the books from bookshelf.
Wall Bookmark: A brilliant combination of a bookshelf and bookmark in one.
Bookmark For Children: This bookmark comes from the advertisement of Children foundation, Turkey.
Great Book Cover and Bookmarks: Clever bookmarks created to let the readers know what the book holds for them.
Bunny Bookmarks: These cute bookmarks are made out of paper with adhesive backing, making it easy for you to write a brief note and pick up exactly where you left off.
Flat Bookmark: This bookmark reminds of the old days of pressed flowers and old receipts used as bookmarks.
Photo Bookmark: Cool to look, simple to make; all you need is a ribbon and a photograph.
Bookmarker: It's a bookmark, book strap and pen all in one easy to carry object.
Corner Bookmark: A creative way to re-use old envelopes by cutting the corners to make bookmarks.

Night Light Bookmark: This lamp designed for night reading shuts off automatically when covered with a book while at the same time it works as a very intuitive bookmark.